Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Howard Stern Is My Oprah

I've been out for some time. A lot has happened . . . new flooring, rest of the house has been painted (my books and dollies are still boxed up in the garage), wife traveled to houston, wife's cousin passed away, went on a family cruise, working on a set design for a play that's opening this weekend, some work projects are finally coming to fruition, wedding anniversary coming up, baby turning one and walking, etc. etc. blah blah blah.

i was going to write separate blogs detailing different aspects of the above paragraph, but I'm exhausted and want to move away from all that for a sec. Besides, I have something of relative import to disclose; I recently was humbled by a self revelation that really shouldn't be to anyone who knows me:

Howard Stern is my Oprah.

I always used to snicker at those who followed the cult of Oprah. "Those" who will read a book JUST BECAUSE Oprah says it's a good read. "Those" who will scream and yell in spiritual convulsions over Oprah throwing them a key to a new car or some diamond bracelets. Yes, some of "those" I even actually work with (hard to avoid when you work in a department that's 80% female.) I always felt that somehow I was above their station, superior over their pathetic lot in life.

So I'm listening to Stern and the subject of "Brokeback Mountain" came up. Like most straight males, I had NO interest in watching this. A serious dramatic story about two gay cowboys? I would much rather watch an unbroken string of holocaust documentaries than subject myself to that. It's not revulsion; it's just that there are other ways I'd rather fill up my time. Like listening to Stern.

Well anyway, mix "Brokeback" and Stern together and what do you get? A comedy souffle!! Just watch that sucker bake to a golden brown!!! And that's how it was for several months. Then Stern admitted that the night before he watched "Brokeback" as a goof, something to watch for 5 minutes and turn off. But he didn't. He stayed till the end and went as far as to say this was one of the best movies he has ever seen.

Now picture my head blowing. My "master" has said it's okay to watch Brokeback Mountain. A second was all it takes for a film I was FIRM against watching to become a undisputedly valid work of art. And so, if given the opportunity, I will probably watch Brokeback. Now I won't go out to Blockbuster or log on to Netfilx or shop at Wal Mart for this movie, but if someone has a copy, then I would consider watching it.

And that, my friends, is the hold Stern has over my life.

It drives my wife nuts. It is probably the most aggravating thorn in her side. I can see the pain her in face every time I bring the man's name up. If she has to listen to him for more than two minutes, she'll get violently ill. My Superman obsession she can take. My Prince obsession she tolerates. Stern is the line she will not cross. Stern is the land she will not travel to. Stern is evil. Stern is the devil.

So, in reality, I'm not any different from the Oprahetes or any other cult devotees. I suffer from that same zeal.

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At 11:28 AM, Blogger me-nikk said...

Glad to see that your back! By the way... I love Oprah. And John and I saw Flat on Your back, I mean Hairy Back, I mean Brokeback Mountain. John LOVED it... OMG. I sometimes wonder. All kidding aside, it was ok, but with all of the hype I expected a little more. But you should see it. Even go out and rent it. It is what everyone's talking about after all. :) Miss you!

At 3:26 PM, Blogger caninecologne said...

hey man
you can borrow my copy (which used to be my DAD's COPY, d'oh!) after I see it...I haven't had the time these past few weeks, but you are welcome to borrow it...

i hate orcah! i mean oprah. i dont' subscribe to her shit...it's great she's a succesful business woman, tycoon, book-shiller, whatever you want to call her, role model to african americans (and all races), etc...but it's just one big pap-fest to me. and i'm a female. i'd rather listen to stern (if i actually did listen to the radio)!

i'm a convert...typing fFJI;nk SUX!!!

At 3:26 PM, Blogger caninecologne said...


At 9:50 PM, Blogger Kilatzin said...

Hey guys.

Well before I go to sleep, I just wanted to clarify that I do not hate Oprah. She gets the good guests on that show. I do hate the blind, rabid devotion of her flock. I hate that in myself. I try to be as aloof as I can with such matters.

Oh, I do hate her for bringing Dr. Phil into this world.

my 10 year old nephew is a BIG fan of Oprah's. I asked him what a boy his age finds in her show. He responded with a clenched fist and an earnest whisper, "Oprah gets on the INSIDE."

How can anyone argue with that?

Brokeback does seem to be on everyone's list these days, doesn't it? Hell, I had lunch with a friend and that was the first topic of conversation. Not our babies, not the cute chicks wandering around the food court, not basketball, but Brokeback Mountain.

At 10:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait, did you just say that you hate blind rabid devotion? How do you know it's blind? Per our conversation about Alton Brown, he holds great influence over me with regards to cooking. I will always earnestly consider what he has to say.

Oprah strikes me sincerely interested in improving the quality of people's lives. She may be one of the few people that people can generally trust to give her honest opinion. If she likes something, there's probably a valid reason.

I personally do not like her celebrity interviews, they're rather schmaltzy, but I think she's really trying to be a postive light in the world.

You go girl!

F#*King letter verification!

At 4:41 AM, Blogger Kilatzin said...


Okay, I lied. There are other things I hate about Oprah.

1) She has no real sense of humor about herself. She can't take a joke at her expense. I think if someone tried to make a joke about her, she'll take it as a personal assault on her dignity. My main reference for this is the whole Letterman "Oprah/Uma" fallout.

2) Remember when she went out against beef back in the mid nineties, and then when faced with the might of the all powerful beef industry, backed down IN A BIG WAY by doing a kissup show in Texas and eating a burger on that same show?

Wow, I just discovered I had some latent Oprah hostility there.

And we're not talking about Alton here. I love Alton. Most of his fans are reasoned and not as legion as you might think. That's not blind devotion. Blind devotion belongs to those who love Emeril.

At 5:19 PM, Blogger caninecologne said...

okay i'm glad i'm not the only one who intensely dislikes orcah...c'mon ken...i dont' want to be the only dick here.

also remember the time when orcah when to france and was pissed because the 'hermes' (ultra lux fashion brand) store would not let her in. then she cried 'racism'. give me a break. anyhew, i know she's successful, inspirational and all that, more power to her but she's not someone i'd sit down and watch...

alton brown rules! emeril sux

At 7:09 PM, Blogger mikshir said...

Perhaps a virtue of the hi-tech field is no-one watches Oprah or comments on it enough to get virulently ill.

oh and welcome back.

At 8:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like her or not, I respect what she does. She works hard to improve people's lives. I believe that she genuinely wants to help people live happier and more fulfilling lives. So given the choice to bash a celebrity, I'll choose so many others over her.

I personally rarely watch the show (I do like her "Favorites" shows though. Damn my consumersism! That also explains my InStyle subscription. Imagine the havoc if I actually had the money to buy the things I love) but given the options, I'll take her over Inside Edition or Maury. Tyra's show: sometimes good, sometimes funny by how jr high it is! Girl, you look FIERCE!

At 11:05 PM, Blogger bert wolfe said...

So what would happen if Stern all of a sudden started making fun about Supes? What'll you do then? Will your mind explode like a femme-bot?

I know, just image Superman and Batman doing Brokeback. (Actually, that's not too difficult, is it?)

At 8:02 PM, Blogger Kilatzin said...

Well Burt,

1) Howard is a HUGE Superman fan . . . went on Larry King declaring so . . . even went so far to say that he believes Superman is real.

2) He has talked crap about Superman a couple of times . . my favorite was a bit several years ago where he was reminiscing how cool Zod from the 70/80s films was . . . "Kneel before Zod" kinda stuff and ended his reverie with the comment "Superman's such a pussy."

Oh yeah, of course there's latent sexual tension between Batman and Superman. that's what makes their partnership so enticing.

And the moment my mind exploded on Stern was when he got Sulu to explain in detail how eating certain foods makes semen taste better. (Fruit is good, beef is bad.)

At 8:06 PM, Blogger Kilatzin said...


it's official. I hate Oprah.

I'll watch, but I will watch with hate in my heart and fire in my loins.

At 10:01 PM, Blogger me-nikk said...


Have you seen this link yet? http://www.superherostuff.com/
This shop is located here in P-Town. I saw it on the news this past week and though of you.

At 10:29 PM, Blogger caninecologne said...

oprah is a self righteous bombast

by the way, i love how you refer to stern's announcer as his star trek name...like his real name doesn't count.

and that's gross about how certain foods affect men's jizz.i guess sulu would know first hand experience eh? maybe sulu secretly boned captain kirk or had a thing for one of the blue shirts.

i think superman and aquaman would make a good couple.

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

y'all can all go crawl into your dark vortices of negativity until your innards rot from the acidic ooze that drips from your hearts.

I'll be skipping through the fields in the sunshine, fingers stuck deeply into my ears, singing "la la la, I don't hear you"

At 11:29 PM, Blogger bert wolfe said...

Ew... to think "Suru" is a connoisseur of baby batter. What's next, salad recipes?

At 10:41 PM, Blogger Kilatzin said...

Hey Nikk,

thanx for thinking of me with the comic store link. i know that there's a community of comics creators that live in portland. greg rucka is a name that springs to mind.

At 3:53 PM, Blogger caninecologne said...

david walker, creator of the zine BADAZZ MOFO also resides in portland. he is currently finishing up his film/documentary on blaxploitation.

david walker was the guy in the dashiki and gigantic (fake) afro you would see walking around in past comic cons.

i miss his BAMF mag.

At 1:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please keep your wife, and get rid of Stern.


At 8:25 AM, Blogger Kilatzin said...

uhhh . . .



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