Tuesday, March 28, 2006

life update

well my son's first birthday was this weekend. we celebrated with a small celebration . . well for us it was small . . . about 20 or so people. It's funny, I've always considered myself relatively anti-social, but we keep throwing these shindigs. i can hear y'all saying "WAAAHHH!!! I'm a big baby cuz my life is so sad cuz we throw relatively big parties and I'm anti-social. WAAAHHH!!!!"

Okay, okay . . . point taken. The one thing I've learned about throwing these things is that good food is definitely 3/4ths of the battle. AND the second thing I've learned is always have more than you need . . . nothing ruins a good party more than running out of food.

It was nice to have lotus, shogun, canine, whitey ford and the child there. I don't get to hang with them all that much these days, so I learn to savor the moments i do get. although ronin and hotfudge gave their condolences, their generous present was much appreciated. they do have good taste in gifts, that pair sure do.

Now's the part of the blog entry where longtime parents will go "no s##t sherlock." I can't believe it's been a year with my son. The boy has grown and changed so much, I find myself holding him tighter now than I ever did, because I know this going to end some day. The best feeling in the world right now is to have him walk to me, hold up his arms for me to carry him, and hear that sigh of contentment coming out of his mouth as he places his head on my shoulder. Look at me, I'm getting all "Dick Vermeil" on this blog . . . (for non-American Football fans, Dick Vermeil is a VERY successful coach who is notorious for spontaneous crying at press conferences and interviews . . . that explanation took a long time . . . was it even worth mentioning it?)

But I know it's gonna end one day. He'll grow up and be too hairy for me to hold him. the stuble on his beard will scratch up my shoulder something fierce. I've known on an intellectual level the fleetingness of my son's "babydom" but I really am starting to emotionally internalize this. It will be different not too far in the future.

Something happened yesterday that underscored this more than ever . . . my wife's cousin passed away, a victim of stomach cancer. She was a mother of four, with the youngest being several months younger than my son. i can't say i was close to her . . . hell, the week and a half i spent with her and her husband was horrendous for both sides. (more on that in a eulogy blog coming up after this one). but she and my wife grew up together. she was family. she was a little younger than us. it's a little strange and very tragic . . . the family deaths, until now, were people in their golden years. logistically, estate and emotional matters were simpler to handle. now there's a husband, kids, mortgages, expenses, future plans . . . what's going to happen to them? Not to belabor the point, but I didn't get along with the husband, so screw him and his closeminded ass, but what about his kids?

this question ties into a concern wifey and i have had for awhile. if we both should die, who gets the baby? this tied into our search for a godparent. idealistically, we would want a godparnet to be what we are to our goddaughter . . . literally a second set of parents, as involved and invested as we can be in this girl's life. we haven't found that person for the baby; someone who could fill his material and emotional needs. we named his aunt 'godmother' by default. not to say she doesn't love the baby, but she's definitely not involved in his life the way we are with our goddaughter. she's acts more like an aunt, which she is, but we wanted more from her and so far, she hasn't been willing to give it.

i don't know. maybe this person will fall unto our laps one day. it was that way with our goddaughter. no one asked us outright . . . we just stumbled into it. before you know it, we fell in love with this girl. maybe it'll happen for baby one day. maybe.

well, enough of that. next up: a return to the angry clark. i swear.


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At 5:16 PM, Blogger Ms. Mamma said...

I'm right there with you, bro, just about one year ahead. I've had the same thoughts... anxieties, what if's and time flying by at Mach 1. It's okay though, because unlike most of the selfish half-assed masses, you and wifey REALIZE how precious this time is and there are serious considerations to be made, just to be safe. Like that cheesey 38 Special song, 'Hold on Loosely, but don't let go..." and buy a great digital cam and take LOTS of pictures E-V-E-R-Y-D-A-Y. Happy Birthday, Little Super!

At 10:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, you big fat pu**y! Wah wah, I hate parties. Wah wha, death. Wah wah, what happens to our son? We'll take the critter off your hands. Just don't get dead before he's potty trained.

Good food = happy guests. One note of contention though, no diet drinks, no Newcastles, what the dilly, yo?

At 12:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How'd I end up as "Whitey Ford"?

At 5:02 AM, Blogger Kilatzin said...

Thank you Ms. Mamma. for the gracious 'congrats."

now on to the rest of you.

Lotus, well i thought one of the neighbors was going to bring some newcastles but she didn't show up til 5. i had the wheat beer and got some coronas for those who wanted something lighter. didn't want to be stuck with an overabundance of beer. i love beer but don't get a chance to drink much with baby around!

and with all the fried food out there, why try pretending we're watching our weight that day . . . unless you're one of those poor pathetic souls who have been brainwashed into believing that diet soda TASTES better. we did have diet dr. pepper though.

sorry whitey. couldn't think of a better name. didn't like the one canine gave you in her blog? any suggestions or preferences on what you'd like to be called?

At 8:55 AM, Blogger Kilatzin said...

and lotus,

thank you for the caretaking offer. i can imagine any potential future conversations you might have with little clark.

little clark: "momma lotus, what was my daddy like?"

lotus: "glad you asked sonny. here. you can read his blog."

little clark: (reads blog in horror)
"my dad was a big fat pu**y! what's the deal with all those superman dollies?"

At 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm offended. That's cruel to say. I would NEVER inflict that kind of knowledge on anybody's kid. I would hate for my kids to know some of the things I've done. He will have gone through enough trauma.

Besides, he will have seen your artwork. He will know of your inner turmoil and angst. And your booby fetish.

And don't say you kdon't have a thing for boobies. The other night at Hughesaholic house, we were talking and something kept pulling my eyes towards it, then it hit me. The painting you did (the one of you, uh, I mean the random kid trying to get out of a box while the parents look on unapprovingly, wagging fingers and shaking report cards) that had a car in the foreground... that car had boobies for headlights. Soft, round, nippled "headlights". I think I subconsciously started rooting for milk.

At 8:00 PM, Blogger caninecologne said...

hey when did WHITEY FORD get a bloggers identity?

by the way, i didn't choose the name pasta boy. it was shogun.

i think i will call him burt wolf.

yes, that painting, 'every good relation' is in my library over the child's work desk. nice and cheerful it is...i remember her asking me when she was but a wee three years old, "mommy, what is that?" (pointing to an anguished soul floating of a box being opened by an admonishing father)...i very well couldn't say, 'well, that is this person's inner demon being released from pandora's box' (or something like that). i think i changed the subject. uhhh, it's hard to explain inner demons to a toddler.

cruise...cruise...wait, did i miss something?

At 9:34 PM, Blogger Kilatzin said...

omigod i didn't realize my painting had boobies on them! EEEWWWW . . . GROSS!!!!!

I'm looking around my office, scanning my paintings for other signs of subliminal boobies . . . nope. not really. i mean i have obvious boobie paintings, but i would never consciously hide them in a painting.

i think i'm more of an ass man, which would explain a lot about my fascination with the "going greek" saying that's been bandied about.

At 12:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Funny how time flys these day, eh? And funny how our priorities change. :) I'm so happy to hear and read that things are going good for you! You truly are blessed, and I am thankful for that.

Thanks for leaving the message, so glad to hear from you!

Love and miss you!



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