Friday, November 04, 2005

Look at this guy.

This little guy is the reason I'm listening to 10 minute long Slate podcasts while I'm washing bottles and mixing forumla. This guy is the reason I know the lyrics to "the wheels on the bus." This guy is the reason there are MAJOR bags under my eyes. This guy is the reason I don't listen to my Carlos Mencia or Dave Attell mp3s. This guy is the reason my play money, which would usually be spent on comics and man dolls, is now going to diapers, desitin and baby shampoo. This guy is the reason why I don't really mind green poo. This guy is the reason I am able to smile at the end of a long and hard work day, cuz how can I can be sad when he screams and jumps with excitement when I walk through the door.

Being this guy's dad definitely does not suck balls.



At 1:50 PM, Blogger mikshir said...

ang kyoot kyoot sha.

what other mencia mp3's have you? i like the comedy central program but also acknowledge that it is quite toned down, though it still pushes the edge a bit.

At 2:59 PM, Blogger Kilatzin said...

i think i have what i gave you . . . the miami shows, the la brea shows . . .his america rules cd . . . anything else?

At 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CUTE!!!what an adorable picture! Hmmm. why doesn't the milkman come around anymore?

Can't wait to see your little pumpkin in a couple weeks!

At 10:41 AM, Blogger Mulysa said...

awww, clark!! he is so cute! that's it, i'm gonna burn copies of all my kids' music and give them to you next time i see you... i expect you to know all the lyrics to the "dragon tales" cd by the end of the year...

At 3:42 PM, Blogger Kilatzin said...


thanx for the cd copies . . . i think.

At 4:53 PM, Blogger ScregMan said...

Awwwww... Absolutely precious...

"This guy" is a lucky guy...

I notice the expression "suck balls" has popped up again. Will these be "This guy's" first words, I wonder.

At 9:19 PM, Blogger Thor said...

Excellent picture.

I want to say something witty to try to knock you off your high on life pedestal, but I got nothing. That picture is like my Kryptonite, I feel like I have lost my sarcastic powers. You need to print a copy of that picture and keep it in your lead lined wallet for the next time we duel you'll have that ace in the hole.

You are a lucky man.

At 9:44 AM, Blogger Kilatzin said...

thank you my good man. don't know how high my life actually is at this moment, but i really appreciate the comment.

and there's a whole ton of cutie pictures where that came from.

At 10:02 PM, Blogger Mulysa said...

dude! what happened to the other adorable pics? i loved the one with that huge smile..


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