Tuesday, November 01, 2005

all right, already

damn, eight comments on a post that just said, "i'm getting set up?"

first thing first. linesteppa - No, Superman isn't the greatest movie of all time. Godfather I and 2 are. That's why I listed them first. The Godfather saga can be on at any point on the tv, and I'll leave it there EVERY DAMN TIME. They are that damn good.

As much as I love Superman, some parts sometimes defy my willingness to suspend disbelief. Like TOTU's comment about making the earth go backwards. You gotta be in a certain mood for that. Also, Margot Kidder's performance as Lois Lane can be a little grating if I'm not in the mood.

Lois Lane is a tricky character to portray; she's gotta be quirky and ballsy enough to make us believe Superman would fall for her, yet not too much as to wind up being totally annoying. Watch Smallville and the actor that plays Lois. She's sometimes real good as Lois, sometimes real BAD as Lois . . . but I really think it's cuz of the character, not cuz of her portrayal. Teri Hatcher is hot enough to make you look past all the annoying Lois Lane personality quirks. Maybe there's the dilemma, you gotta have a REAL HOT actress to make you look past all those quirks, yet the REAL HOT actresses don't necessarily have the chops to play quirky. So you end up with these NOT AS HOT actresses who have the quirky stuff all down, but they're so damn annoying that instead of forgiving them cuz they're beautiful, we just want to wring their necks.

wow. all that from linesteppa.

My life these days are weighed by dueling priorities. Writing in this blog, which I love to do, means I have less time to wash the baby's bottles, which leads to less time playing Xbox, which leads to less time soaking my feet in Epsom salt, which leads to less time working on a painting for my neighbors. Of course, I wanted to get into more detail over this, but i blew my time allotment on Superman. AGAIN. Oh this addiction of mine will kill me in the end.

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At 9:28 PM, Blogger mikshir said...

AAAaarghh. thus endeth our art project of the largest blog on blogger composed of only one post and 10 thousand comments.

no no! no recovery. can't simply delete this. the moment is gone.


At 9:31 PM, Blogger mikshir said...

oh, and terri hatcher with the straight neck-length bob hair due was the tits. the others were ok too i guess, but bob owns you.

didn't know the louis character is in smallville now. hadn't watched it since it first came out. i may netflix it someday, esp now that winter's a coming.

At 10:45 PM, Blogger Kilatzin said...

im sorry mikshir. if i knew that, i would have just posted my post as a comment.

oh well.

yeah, the show has slowly evolved away from the buffy-itis of the first season and actually started being about Superman. the second and third seasons are very good, but the fourth sucks ass. The producers have seemed to learn from their mistakes and have brought in a decent fifth season.

At 8:33 AM, Blogger Mulysa said...

what's smallville?
just kidding. superman, enjoy your precious tv time alone while you can. soon it will all be replaced by cartoons and weird ass creatures that look like a colorful set of balls with the head barely peeking out...
(boo bas) have you seen then? freakin'freaky! and the kids love 'em!

At 12:26 PM, Blogger Kilatzin said...

dude, it already has ended for me.

wifey makes me put on baby einstein dvds when i want to watch rome or bill marher on hbo.

wifey makes me put on his kid songs cds in the car when i want to listen to my old school hip hop.

i'm even starting to drink the kool aid. I have a favorite part in the baby einstein, baby beethoven cd. it's when a crab toy jumps in synchronization to beethoven's fifth.


At 12:40 PM, Blogger Mulysa said...

haha! hee hee! someone to join the maddness of listening to children's music and liking it! you ain't seen nothin' yet. wait 'til jr starts getting into disney...

At 12:40 PM, Blogger Mulysa said...

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At 2:32 PM, Blogger Kilatzin said...

oh don't tell me about that.

wifey and i took our goddaughter and nieces to a disney princesses on ice show about 2 years ago.

it was probably the gayest thing i've ever done, and from me, that's actually saying something.

i was whispering to wifey throughout the show which skating dudes i thought were gay, and shockingly i think they all were.

At 6:24 PM, Blogger ScregMan said...

Ah... (not counting your website) technically your second blog. Obviously, we were all waiting anxiously for your words of wisdom.

Superman I & II rank high for me. Godfather I also ranks high. Not as impressed with Godfather II. The audiobook of Godfather I was excellent. Lots of extra details that could not be portrayed in the movie. But I was still quite surprised at how much they were able to fit into the movie. I liked the historical aspect of Godfather II (Robert DeNiro as the father seeking revenge). Did not like the Al Pacino era stuff. Godfather III... WTF

At 7:30 AM, Blogger Kilatzin said...

RE Godfather 2: Yes, Screg, I can understand not being as entranced with the Al Pacino/Michael sections, but I think your disenchantment with it actually mirrors that of the director. It's supposed to be a hollow shell of what was once a great romantic time of gangsterism. (Not that I support gangsterism.) It's supposed to be cold and dead. The Al Pacino/Michael era has a ton of echos back to the Marlon Brando/Deniro/Vito era. In fact, I think the Deniro arc is all the more poignant cuz how it's contrasted against the Michael arc. In fact, the flashback scene at the end is the ultimate empty echo of the first movie, showing how alone Michael has probably always been.

RE Godfather 3: yeah, they messed up big time. the movie was basically done for the money. character motivations have done a 180 from the first two movies . . . vital characters were dropped . . . sofia coppola was a disaster. I would even bet that if Wynona Ryder didn't drop out of the movie would have been at least 50% better and believable. so much of the movie rested on that character's shoulders and her death just seemed laughable instead of tragic. watch the audio commentary on dvd, it's much more enjoyable than the film.

At 1:37 PM, Blogger ScregMan said...

Thank you, kilatzin. Let's just say I have the slightest more appreciation for Godfather II after reading your prior comment. A contrast between 2 eras: one full of life, the other, an empty shell...

I like that.


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