Sunday, January 15, 2006

i'm tired but productive and boring

i should be asleep. i get to drive the baby to two different medical appointments tomorrow. driving down to sd in the morning and 9 month shots in the afternoon. yum! yum! however, i've spent two precious hours tonight on 'me' time. this night's project is making some progress on a large-scale update of my art website: adding new photos and comics, rethinking some designs, debating whether i should add some closeup details of art, wondering if i should continue to use popups, figuring out the best way to include / link to this blog on my site . . . things like that. this update realistically won't see the light of day until 3 or 4 months from now. hopefully, i'll have some time tomorrow to work on a blog strip i want to include for the update and some photoshop color comps for the next door neighbor's painting commission.

i've slowly been warning wifey about the time commitment involved with the play i'll be working on next month. i've told the director that i probably won't be able to come down to san diego often, but he seems fine with email contact and ftp file uploads. i have the well founded fear that i've bitten off more than I can chew, but this could be a real cool thing if everything goes right. the last time i was involved with set design was back in 2000; i'm eager to get back into it. imagine my wild and crazy color sensiblities exploding everywhere on a stage . . . that's the basic challenge laid to me . . . how to be crazy enough to add that special 'spice' to a play, but not so crazy as to distract from it. the elton john show in vegas is guilty of this. the rear projection videos that accompany elton have a tendency to take the attention away from his wonderful music.

i've spent a majority of work time last week helping formulate my company's policy towards blogging and podcasting. i was warning that doing a daily blog can be a damned daily grind and that the main denizens of the blogosphere are yahoos like myself and you good people, who use it as a more personalized 'bulletin board' of sorts. we are pursuing the podcast angle though, setting up a series of audio interviews in early may, another example of potentially biting off more than i can chew.

now that i've bored everyone endlessly with my stupid thoughts, i can now sleep in peace.

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At 1:23 PM, Blogger ScregMan said...

How many times do I have to say this? Nothing is too trivial for the Net. Blogging is just another way to keep in touch, express thoughts, etc., etc., so how can it be boring?

I applaud your involvement with this play, although I know it MUST be a massive undertaking. Er... How do you slowly warn wifey about something like this? Is it a conversation that takes place over several days? Wouldn't it be easier just to say it up front? Just get it over with? Like ripping tape off a person's mouth. Ya know it's gonna hurt, but get it over quickly...

I do recall attending a play where you'd done the sets. Can't remember a thing about it, though.

Oh... and your company is formulating a policy on blogging and podcasting? Is this the kind of thing where employees are using company resources for "personal" stuff? So now the company is intervening?

At 2:17 PM, Blogger mikshir said...

I suspect the whole "company policy" thing has to do with many recent (relatively) stories of people getting fired by blogging critical, scathing, or scandelous material about their employer.

One of the more widely circulated stories involved a model at SuicideGirls blogging some complaints about some financial dealings and subsequently getting fired/removed from their site thus sparking the ire of other models and causing a bit of a PR scandal to a once artfully respected site.

At 2:23 PM, Blogger Kilatzin said...

screg: about the play. well it was a very weird play, so I wouldn't hold it against you. that whole experience for me was alternately very rewarding/discouraging. Good cuz I got to work on something different and highly creative . . . Bad cuz at the end of everything I felt like I didn't get the respect I was due.

mikshir: actually the debate was didn't even get to that level. the company is very cautious about such things and we're just weighing the value of a daily blog promoting the company's viewpoint.

At 7:30 AM, Blogger ScregMan said...

RE: the play. Be sure to let us know when and where. HotFudge and I'll try to take time-out to see it. Do you have a synopsis?

At 7:15 AM, Blogger Kilatzin said...

Basic Romeo and Juliet type stuff. all ends horribly wrong and something magical marks the death so that we all remember it, like a magical rock or mango tree or something like that.

i know. the script hasn't been written yet.

At 2:26 PM, Blogger ScregMan said...

Romeo & Juliet mixed with magical rocks or mango trees...

And you've committed to doing the sets even though the script hasn't been written yet...

Kinda like writing a movie score without having seen the movie...

Hmmmm... HUUURM... I'M SOLD!!!

At 2:52 PM, Blogger Kilatzin said...

i know it's take a leap, but a trusted source wholeheartedly vouched for the theatre group, so i'm going by his word.

also, i don't recall ever hearing of a local production attempting something of this scale before. so even if it's a flaming ship, it might be a cool ride. you know . . . viking funeral.


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