Wednesday, January 11, 2006

two quick thoughts

hey, i know. i know what y'all saying. right now. "hey, whassup with kilatzin writing another post? why doesn't wait for one month like he usually does?"

well, cuz i have two issues running through my noggin that i absolutely have to get out.

1) Pitt and Jolie are prego. GOOD. anyone (and that's mainly you yenta-women-out-there-who-watch-the-view) who couldn't fathom why pitt would leave anniston . . . THAT'S WHY. you-who-love-anniston always convieniently forget that SHE didn't want to have children. HE did. Not only did he find someone to bear his seed, he found AN UBERBABE to provide the fertile soil for him to toil!!! and (you yenta-women-out-there-who-watch-the-view are gonna hate this) the odds are that a PITT-JOLIE baby will look at least TWICE AS HOT as a PITT-ANNISTON product. The only people in the world who could top PITT and JOLIE as gene donors would be Superman and Wonder Woman. YES I KNOW THEY'RE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS!!! THAT'S THE POINT YOU STAR-JONES-SYCOPHANT LOSERS!!!!!!

Let me make a modest little proposal. Why not just end both their movie careers right now and just put them out to stud? Sire a whole new generation of acting racehorses. I believe that both their best races/movies are already behind them. Is there really going to be a better movie than "fight club?" do we really need another "tomb raider" sequel? not to belabor the racehorse analogy, but let's ship them off to some nice secluded farm or resort out there; somewhere where the hectic demands of a career as a movie celebrity is far behind them. let clooney and robert make all the movies of substance. they've still got a couple of good flicks in them. i mean what's more important: another crappy flick that no one will give a damn about, or getting in on the ground floor of developing a new master race?

2)This Stern on satellite radio thing SUCKS!!!!! If I had a guarantee that the hard earned money i plunk down on a radio and a subscription would actually work, then i would divest it in a heartbeat. but all evidence points to the fact that the stupid satellite signal can not penetrate my stupid office building. and my stupid work internet connection BLOCKS streaming Sirius content. STUPID STUPID STUPID. I had satellite tv once and i always lost the signal whenever a strong rainstorm hit my area. give me the access and i'll give you my money. now i gotta listen to adam corolla, who on his best day, is just another radio guy. a funny one, but maybe a head above the rest of the pack on a GOOD day.


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At 1:43 PM, Blogger ScregMan said...

WHOA!! Another blog. And a fairly intense one at that. Clark, I don't think I've ever seen you rant and rave like this...

Unfortunately, per my Soapbox blog, I could care less about who's screwing who, unless there's some sci-fi explanation or devious subplot to the whole thing (eg PITT & JOLIE are actually clones or robots and ANISTON was get just a little too close to the truth...)

Now, perhaps you could enlighten me on this whole Howard Stern and SIRIUS radio thing. Is it like XM? All I know about XM is it's commercial free radio, right? And you can choose from various genres to listen to. Is Sirius the same thing, except with 24 hours of commercial free Howard Stern?

At 2:55 PM, Blogger Kilatzin said...


the only reason i rant and rave about the pitt-jolie thing is because it pisses me off when people don't see how much HOTTER and DIRTIER Jolie is when compared to Anniston. It's kinda like how I got pissed when I saw how much hotter Pitt was compared to his love interest in the movie Troy. Come on, Hollywood . . . what's the point in being Pitt if you have to settle for a co-star 3 or 4 rungs down your hotness ladder?

As for the satellite radio thing, Sirius is XM's competitor. Music formats are very similar. The major difference is in talk radio. Sirius has Stern, Basketball, Football and NPR. XM has Opie & Anthony (shock jocks) and baseball. I'm sure that the music portions are commercial free. don't know about no commercials being on the talk portions however. howard has two channels, which by default breaks down as one for Eastern Time and one for Pacific time. his show will play at 6am and 9pm ET on one channel and it will play 6am and 9pm PT on the other. There will also be other programming, ranging from a fan roundtable to something called "Crack Whore View" which is basically the view with real life crack whores as hosts. my wife thinks it's just a matter of time before i break down, but i'm really trying NOT to spend the money.

At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you know I'm on your side on this one. Jolie is freakin' hot. I f I thought she'd have me, I'd leave Shogun in a heartbeat. Actually, it wouldn't take a heartbeat. It'd go like this:

Me: Babe, I'm leaving you to be Jolie's sex slave

Shogun: But... (heard internally: glub)

Me: Bye (heard internally: dub)

For those not in the know, glub-dub is the sound of a heart beating.

Howver, I cannot fully back you on the studfarm idea. It's a well known fact that two butt-ugly people will have the most beautiful children (yeah, me and shogun should get to work and make beautiful babies) and two hot people make mufugly babies. How could a baby ever live up to the hot factor of that power couple?

At 10:11 PM, Blogger Thor said...

Ya I always thought it worked in reverse myself. Instead of being twice as hot, they would only be 1/4 as hot. But I guess half a brad or jolie is a lot better than a full me.

And has there ever been a race horse more famous, than the parent (I know none of us knows this, so my thought goes as our fact becuase you are too lazy to dispute it).

At 6:48 AM, Blogger Kilatzin said...

hmmmm . . . good topic for discussion guys. we should look more into this 'hot parents, ugly child' phenomenon. any real life examples you can point to? not too familiar with this paradigm. would love to know.

also i don't watch racing much, but i do remeber listening to a fresh air interview about this one stud that sired several champions. was more fascinated that the stud actually has a "fluffer" whose job is to go in and get the girl started. Once the mare gets all hot and bothered, they take the fluffer away and bring in the stud to finish the deed. it must suck to be a fluffer in the horse world . . . about as close to a real life example of Tantalus (greek myth, google it) as I've ever heard.

At 3:51 PM, Blogger Mulysa said...

both my parents are pretty mufugly...


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