Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Bad thing about the new Superman movie

We get stuff like this. Can we start critiquing? I'll shoot the opening round.

"Looks good, but somehow, it doesn't look quite GAY enough. Can we make it just a tad more GAY?"



At 12:02 PM, Blogger mikshir said...

What kind of gets me is that it's obvious they used the same body mold as every single other action figure out there, and just popped on a different head. Someone was obviously looking to cut corners.

In my inexpert opinion, only the McFarlaine toys get it right.

At 12:14 PM, Blogger Kilatzin said...

But even the McFarlane toys cut corners. For example I've noticed that the football and basketball player action figures tend to recycle different poses and stances that I know came from earlier waves. Also I've noticed over the years that the paint and sculpting jobs for each new series is getting progressively simpler.

Maybe it's nitpicking.

I love the justice league figures. clean, simple, following the cartoon template, but i just don't want to spend the money on those.

At 4:38 PM, Blogger mikshir said...

point well taken. i hadn't looked at the mcfarlaine line with any fervor since they first came out. i'm not surprised in the least that even he/they are not immune to corporatization. still, they do seem to be the best of breed for the moment.

At 7:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's quite gay. His waist is quite trim and shoulder broad. In order to gay it up a notch perhaps...

1) An open gaping mouth (via blowup doll betty)

2) A perfectly hairless, waxed back under the costume

3) A nicely trimmed pubic region

4) glossy lips

btw, what's with the neck fold?

At 7:01 AM, Blogger Kilatzin said...

mcfarlane has been rather agressive. going into military figures, h.r. giger figures, aliens and predator, hell they've just snagged the simpsons.

and judging from the pictures, the new movie superman definitely has a bigger package.

At 1:47 PM, Blogger ScregMan said...

EEEEWWWWW... ICK... YUCK... GROSS... NASTY... Makes me not want to be a Superman fan.

I can't even comment on that. Oh,... I guess I just did.

Okay, that's about 5 seconds of my life I'll never get back... So, onto more important things...

I recently saw the trailer for the new Superman movie. And it looks frickin' awesome. A while back, a good friend of mine (and he may identify himself if he so chooses) and I were discussing Ghost in the Shell: Innocence. As a way of expressing his eagerness before its release, he said he had a hard-on for the anime feature. Well, just based on the Superman trailer, I have a hard-on for the new Superman movie (not Superman). Another friend said he was creaming in his giddiness.

I've always liked the whole Superman genre, but I'm really just a casual fan. I remember watching the black and white TV series. Did they have a colored TV series? I loved the movies Superman I and II. (III and beyond... WTF?!). Did not get into Lois and Clark, nor am I into Smallville, although I'm considering checking out these series thru Netflix. I have no doubt that kilatzin could put me to shame with his knowledge (and collection) of all things Superman.

I've watched the trailer several times and I am completely enchanted.

They used the original soundtrack for the trailer. I wonder if they'll use it for the movie. I hope they do because it is that music I will forever associate with Superman. Sure, there've been other soundtracks created, but I think the soundtrack for the first movie is the strongest. And Marlon Brando's voice. They even used his voice. Makes me wonder if there were any pissing contests among the higher-ups (copyrights, royalties, etc.).

Jor-El said: "They can be a great people, Kal-El. They wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way. For this reason above all... their capacity for good. I have sent them you, my only son..."

WOW. Jor-El's talking about ME, US, THE HUMAN RACE!!! Okay... lost myself for a moment... Superman (and the soundtrack) does that to me sometimes...

[RE: that quote. Any religious fanatics who are offended because of the "only son" bit can kiss my frickin' ass. It's a good piece of writing, so get off your high horse. And think about this. If you're truly religious BUT you're passing judgement, you should be ashamed of yourself. From what I know, there is only ONE judge, and I highly doubt that it's you. So, for anybody who gets all twisted up over this bit of writing, I think you'd better take a chill pill and re-evaluate your priorities.] AND DON'T GO SEE THE MOVIE!!!

We have the technology to make a man fly, and fly well. I can only hope that the writing is just as good.

The trailer has done its job. It gave me a glimpse. It wetted my appetite.

Kilatzin, just as mulysa listed the contents of her purse, I am now really interested in how many Superman related items you have.

At 7:09 AM, Blogger Kilatzin said...

okay, i've counted them over this weekend. 106 Superman figures and statues ON my top shelf. I didn't count any of the other action dollies in my room.

sometimes i scare myself.

At 1:23 PM, Blogger Mulysa said...

ha! you gotta post some pics.
funny thing about dolls, is that they freak me out. don't you ever get the feeling all those supermen are looking at you, turning their heads as you walk past? or maybe they talk at night while you're sleeping?

getting the willies just thinking about it.

i was given a porcelin doll when i was a kid, and i intentionally left it out in the open rather than putting it in my closet because i didn't want to upset her and make her come after me. then at night i'd stress out thinking that she was watching me sleep.

106??? are you insane?!

At 1:29 PM, Blogger Mulysa said...

funny how men rate their excitement over things in terms of sexual arousal...

"kohl's is having a sale this weekend, and i can't wait - my nipples are hard!"

"this new dress is soo cute, i gotta change my panties!"


At 2:18 PM, Blogger Kilatzin said...

okay mulysa,

To answer your first question:

>don't you ever get the feeling all those supermen are looking at you, turning their heads as you walk past? or maybe they talk at night while you're sleeping?

uh, no. CUZ THEY'RE DOLLS!!!! They aren't real. They're painted plastic.

Plus, even if they were alive . . . they're of Superman!!!! If they were alive, they would act as my protectors, not my destroyers!!

As for the 106 dolls . . . well, I admit, I'm somewhat embarrassed by that admission. All I can say is that I had a TON of discretionary income at one time and instead of boozing and whoring, my cash went the dolly direction. The dolls on average, cost under 10 bucks each, and I guess I financially regarded them somewhere in the realm of going out for a burger. Unlike the dollies, most of the physical remnants of the burgers have left my body, probably wiped away by my trusty wet wipes.

and to answer your second observation:

> funny how men rate their excitement over things in terms of sexual arousal...

Well, DUHHHH!!! It's cuz men are sexually obsessed. Practically everything men talk about have some sort of sexual connotation to them. Ultimate joy is usually reserved for coital matters, so it make sense to use that terminology.

and damnit, if women said stuff like "kohl's is having a sale this weekend, and i can't wait - my nipples are hard!" then the world would be a much better place . . . for me.

At 2:46 PM, Blogger mikshir said...

Speaking of the Superman movie, I came across this long but informative article that proved quite fasicnating. I would title it "The Mis-Adventures of Superman the movie" and it chronicles the state of the superman movie up until 2004.


Found it quite interesting and has made me both eager and incredibly fearful to see the movie. The trailer that I downloaded did not reveal all that much in terms of plot so I have no idea if any of the re-imagining items still hold true.

At 9:02 AM, Blogger Kilatzin said...


Read the post you mentioned. First off, although true, it's definitely not the most current thing out there. The movie eventually fell to Bryan Singer (who did Usual Suspects and Xmen 1&2). He wanted to direct it so much, he blew off doing the third xmen film. He's been pretty transparent about how much he wants to tie his flick in with the first two Superman movies. He spoke at comicon, specifically to win the geeks over to his side. Check out the superman returns website and his video blogs, which in my opinion is pretty candid for someone shooting a top secret multi-million dollar film.

So I'm regarding this film as the best possible result out of such a quagmire of "re-imaginings", stops, starts, hirings and firings. Let's hope it's great. I'm optimistic.

I have the Alex Horn and Kevin Smith scripts somewhere and they both had major problems, but there were a couple of scenes (like Smith's Lane and Supes one-on-one) that gave me hope.

My next blog will focus on the fundamental crux of the problem behind the movies. It was skirted around in your article, but I'll address it full view.

It's funny how most of my deep thinking is centered around comics. I mean, do I worry about the nature of God? Do I worry about how I'm gonna pay for my kid's education?


I worry about Superman.


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