Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Random thoughts, random entry july edition

Hello everyone. I want to start off with something I found at my parents' house last week. Will wonders ever cease?

I suppose you can view this as another sign of the coming of the apocalypse. I tend to view this as the answer to my half-assed diet prayers! Who can eat a whole CAN of SPAM? Sometimes just a little SPAM will do. And this comes pre-sliced, with much less clear jelly goo!

All you need to do to enjoy this wonderful feast is to ignore the oh-so-annoying nutrition label, which i believe in this case was designed to spoil my fun!


Speaking of "spoiling my fun . . . "

Superman Movie Thoughts

Okay, so the other shoe has dropped. The Superman movie has finally come out and already people have started baiting me with fighting words. One person who saw it said to my face that he found it "uninspiring, directionless, and plodding." Of course, I could to the same adjectives to describe that aforementioned old fogey with his constant reminiscing about events that happened thirty or forty years ago, but that would be too easy. He's entitled to his opinion and I can see how he would view the movie that way. It's not a perfect movie by any stretch of the imagination.

However, a blog buddy, near and dear to all our hearts, wrote:

"one of bert's co-workers saw it the other day and proclaimed it the worst movie EVER.

pretty harsh for a guy that pretty much likes anything."

like a dagger to the heart.

Really? The "co-worker" likes pretty much anything? So this "person" would place that 80s gymnastics film with Mitch Gaylord and Janet Jones, late Woody Allen films like "Shadows and Fog" and "Husband and Wives" and any Pauly Shore or Yahoo Serious movie behind "Superman Returns" as the worst movie EVER. This person will eat every piece of sh***y filmmaking on STARZ, Showtime, USA, ABC Family, Nickelodeon or Lifetime, but "Superman" is the one line "he/she" won't cross, huh? I mean, if this "co-worker" went to Blockbuster or Hollywood Video, you're telling me that this person would be HARD PRESSED to find something WORSE than "Superman Returns?"

Okay. I guess I'll have to say that "co-worker" has the WORST TASTE IN MOVIES EVER.

I have heard all manners of positive and negatives opinions about the movie, and I can understand where most of them are coming from. The movie is too long; some scenes i thought lasted much longer than they should have. I can understand why some people would find it extremely slow and boring. The casting is a little off. Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane seemed too young to be an experienced Pulitzer Prize winning report/mommy. Brandon Routh lacks the charisma and humor that Christoper Reeve brought to the role. This was underscored by the fact that he looks AND sounds like Christopher Reeve. To be THE SUPERHERO you gotta have this presence, kinda like Reagan or Clinton . . . full of authority tempered with a whole bunch of charm. The movie, in general, takes itself a little too seriously and is not as joyful as you think it would be.

So it's not a perfect movie by any stretch of the imagination.

But here's what the movie gets right . . . it translates from the comic to the big screen what I think is so cool about Superman.

First thing, it provides a proper sense of scale to the character. By that I mean, he doesn't really punch out bad guys in this film . . . that's kind of small potatoes in this day and age . . . any fool superhero can do that. Leave that small scale crap to Batman. Supes tackles the kind of problems that only he can deal with like: stopping a falling jet, lifting a sunken yacht, catching a giant statue in midair, blowing out an entire house fire, carrying of an entire ISLAND!!!! The movie does a VERY good job of showing how monumental it is to have one man, one lone tiny figure against an immense backdrop, handle these impossible tasks. The focus is never really on Superman in these situations. The movie takes its time in setting up the dangers, showing everyone what's at stake in every sequence. Just when things seem bleakest and beyond hope, that's when you see that the only thing that could avert certain disaster would be Superman.

Second thing, the movie does a VERY good job of displaying the selfless heroism of the character. By that I mean, just because you have this immense power, doesn't mean it allows you to be lazy or soft. Supes gets put through the wringer in this film. He gets a monumental beatdown. He gets brutalized . . . almost tortured. When push comes to shove, Superman does the right thing no matter what it might cost him. None of this Spider-Man wishy washy dilly dallying about his purpose. He knows what needs to be done AND more importantly, does it.

In the film, Luthor accuses Supes of being selfish and not sharing his power with the rest of the world. What Luthor views as sharing is actually imposition, forcing others to acquiesce to your will. Luthor's view of power is fascist. Superman is about restraint . . . about not forcing your will on the situation unless it's absolutely necessary. The film shows the scary and destructive potential that anything from Krypton would have on Earth: the technology, the island, even the child who accidently kills a henchmen . . . but never once do you see that in Superman. And that's what I love about the character . . . the sense of restraint for the greater good. Logically, having a being with the power of Superman is a very scary proposition. Think of the bad shit that COULD happen with such a powerful being and the fact that the character shies away, even revulsed by the possibilty is incredible.


Alright, that diatribe went WAY off the deep end.

See the movie. Don't see the movie. What do I care? The damage has already been done. The movie had made its major money and it looks like the clear public choice is that Pirates movie anyway.


Other quick movie points:

  • A co-worker of mine, who saw the film, commented that Supes was a borderlline stalker throughout it . . . using x-ray vision and superhearing to sneak a peak at Lois . . . flying in the middle of the night to catch a peek at the child . . . I told him that any love worth having is a love worth stalking. Most of what Superman did in the film, we could do with some night vision goggles, audio surviellance equipment, motion detectors . . . just another incident why people at work find me strange

  • My mind kept drawing a parallel to Superman's leaving for Krypton without telling Lois and Dave Chappelle's leaving for Africa without telling his wife. Who was more pissed . . . Lois or Chappelle's wife?

  • What kind of a world is it where my mother gets to see the new Superman movie before I do? Not only see it, but also publicly stating that she LIKED it!!! ugh. This is the woman that hid my comics in box under heavy box in her closet. I would have to wait til she left the house, go in there and rummage through my collection like i was a perv, mining for a taste of banned dirty magazines or dvds.


On to Other Things

My one year old son has a MAJOR "Dora the Explorer" obsession. I think it's either because he's really into Dora as a chick and he REALLY LIKES chicks, or he's gay and he views Dora as the ultimate "fag hag." Don't want him to be gay for the simple reason I'm selfish and I want grandkids. Let his children torture him the way he's currently torturing mommy and i . . . the way I tortured my father and mother. Oh, that would be SOOOOO sweet.

Warning to those who'll attend Comicon in San Diego this year . . . Triumph the Insult Comic Dog might stalk the convention to rip us nerds a new one! The man behind the puppet, Robert Smigel, is doing a Friday night presentation and I can't imagine him passing on such a plum comedic cherry as Comicon.

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At 8:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, genuis. Presliced spam. Hail to the spam god, I bow down to him.

Re: Dora. Why is that bitch even in your house? Shouldn't the baby be indundated with GI Joe action figues, plastic submachine guns, spare engine parts? Come on now! You have lots of machoing up to do. Get busy.

Re: the Superman movie. Hmm, I guess everyone is going to ride you pretty hard about the movie. It's the cross you have to bear. No movie was every going to get it all right. There are so few movies that are perfect. Being the resident Superman hag, you'll have to ride this out.

The quote about the movie being unspiring, directionless, and plodding made me laugh. I knew the minute I began reading it who said it and was cracking up, hearing his voice in my head. Ps, waiting for the cd of the rant and the waxing.

At 9:08 AM, Blogger caninecologne said...

bert's co-worker WAS pretty harsh, eh. i remember asking bert, he really thought it was THAT bad? geez, there's gotta be worse movies than that. i wonder if the same co-worker would have enjoyed milo and otis over superman returns. hey, one of the gossip blogs i read hinted that routh and spacey got it on in their trailers...spacey? NO! ha ha

i enjoyed your defense of superman. yes, he does practice restraint and doesn't resort to showing his power to be all mighty as an excuse to kick ass.

speaking of which, we will be attending the comic con next week. hopefully i will not have jury duty. if not, then bert and i will attend on thursday. we will take TC on sunday. if so, then we will just go on one of the weekend days. saturday's are too crazy but last year's sunday was crowded as hell. we thought it would be kind of dead since most of the die hard nerds would have picked off the good stuff on wednesday's preview night and the subsequent days...but NO!!!! i believe the last day crush was attributed to those looking to score big bargains since most of the vendors want to get rid of their crap.

it was a bit of a nightmare navigating a tiny 4 (nearly 5) year old around the convention center last year, especially with a million (loud) distractions. now she is looking forward to it. she wants to wear her supergirl costume (from last year's halloween) or perhaps her yoda t-shirt. if it's not too hot, maybe she can wear her costume. or at least her cape.

i look forward to the con just to see all the fanatics in their outfits. some of these folks go all out. you have the goth-lolitas, the star wars vs star trek folks, people in their 'cosplay' (costume play) outfits, anime/manga etc...

going this year? if not, any requests?

re: dora - aw! how cute. i think dora's better than some of that shite that's out there like barney which i utterly hate. at least supe jr. can learn a few new words in another language. but...where are the manly cartoons? :)


At 9:10 AM, Blogger caninecologne said...

BTW, where did your mom buy that pre-sliced SPAM? the commissary??? i need to get my mom to buy me some o' dat!!!

did you know that costco switched their spam to 25% less sodium spam???? sacrilege!!!

At 10:11 AM, Blogger Kilatzin said...

The SPAM is available from the Commisary, so get your mom to stock up a card stack's worth!!! I've even hung one up in my cube as an art piece!

Dora: Babyboy is FASCINATED with her. There's a display in Toys R Us that always gets him in a tizzy. He tries to lift the display with his tiny hands and gets VERY frustrated when he can't. He even tries to sing along with the opening theme song. All he can say is "DUH, DUH, DUH, DUH, DUH", but at least he's smiling. The little devil is too danged cute for his own good.

Wifey smacks down anything that reeks of "macho" in terms of media. Good for the baby. Bad for me. When am I gonna watch my Carlos Mencia DVDs?

I am going to the con this year. Thursday (for buying), Friday (for sessions) and Sunday (with my bro and the boys avoiding all the scantily clad models trying to sell us something.) Bankrolled my spending spree by selling a painting and doing a theatre job. The big question is if I want to make the effort to stay Friday night to watch Robert Smigel's/Triumph's prensentation.

At 4:33 PM, Blogger ScregMan said...

First of all... TREET... TREET I say. TREET rules. If there's no TREET around, I'll settle for SPAM, but TREET RULES!!!

Okay, now for Superman Returns. Clark, your commentary is solid. Couldn't have said it better myself. In fact, I know I couldn't have said it better because your knowledge of the genre far outstrips my own. But let me preface my own commentary with this: Movies are just one of the many things where appeal is subjective. There are many T.V. shows, books, art, etc. that I think are utter garbage, yet those same T.V. shows, books, and art are coveted by others. Further, it's so easy to critique something that's already been done. [I'm still reeling from that God awful "Star Wars: Phantom Menace" movie.]

Therefore, anybody who didn't like the movie or absolutely hated it... I challenge you to either rewrite the movie (AND get it produced, filmed, etc, since your version would be so much better) OR at least back up your opinion with some indepth, insightful commentary... especially this "co-worker". If it was that bad, then he (she?) must demonstrate his knowledge of the Superman mythology by showing why it was so bad. Was it the acting? The story-line? The costume? The special effects? Did the movie grossly misinterpret and twist the genre?


Overall, I did like the movie. I liked how they explained Superman's absence. The fact that the characters were "younger" than the characters of the original movies made little difference to me. I suspect that Brandon Routh sounding like Christopher Reeve was to make the transition that much easier. I also have no doubt that Brandon studied the original movies, and maybe even the older T.v. shows and cartoons in preparation for the big screen.

Special effects were excellent. I was left wanting more super feats. That's how a man who can fly should look. It was magical when I saw Christopher Reeve in "Superman: The Movie", and it was magical when I saw "Superman Returns".

Grit is good. So is the unexpected, as long as it doesn't stray too far from the genre. I'm talking about when Superman got the crap kicked out of him. Totally unexpected. What? Superman getting his ass kicked? In the second Superman movie, one could say the three villains from Krypton gave Superman a good thrashing. But in Returns... Dear God... that kind of beating (and stabbing) is just not suppose to happen. Especially not to Superman. A disturbing, yet pleasant surprise.

For some reason, I thought Lois Lane's husband would die sometime during the movie, leaving the path open for Superman and Lois to rekindle. But ultimately, the movie's approach was more compelling. Most people want the happy ending, where the guy gets the girl, but life's not always a happy ending.

I find I liked Gene Hackman's Lex Luther more than Spacey's. Seems that Hackman was just a tad more comical, while Spacey was darker, more ruthless. It was the whole ass kicking and stabbing scene. Quite a contrast to the first movie where Superman easily picks Lex up and throws him. And in the first movie, all Lex did was place a Kryptonite necklace on Superman,... no "physical brutality".

Comparing Superman to a stalker? Hmmmm... I say allow him that bit of human weakness. C'mon, this is Lois Lane, Superman's love...

Christopher vs Brandon... yeah... well... I liked Reeve's "presense" better. Maybe I found Reeve more manly, more mature...

I'm glad they kept the music from the original Superman movie. John Williams' composition is the music that always comes to my mind whenever I think of Superman...

And as HotFudge and I left the theatre, there was a massive line entering. When I asked what the line was for, the response was "Pirates of the Caribbean"

At 8:03 PM, Blogger caninecologne said...

boy, bert's co-worker has been ripped a new a-hole. poor guy, he doesn't even know.

nice to know that you're going to the con this year. hopefully we can go on thursday. damn jury duty. if not, sunday it is. if only we can log on to the pre-reg page. it was disabled last night.

Routh is way hotter than Reeves but Reeves is more Manly and has more of a personality. He doesn't scream 'Metrosexual'. To be fair to Routh, this is his FIRST movie so there is nothing else to compare him too.

John Williams' musical scores always RULE!

No Manly cartoons? What about the funny violent ones? You know, like the ones we grew up with! Warner Brothers kicks A$$ over Disney any day!

Due to TC's tender age, no Richard Pryor or early Eddie Murphy for her...not for a long time...

At 9:45 PM, Blogger bert wolfe said...

OK, I believe Canine may have misinterpreted my co-worker's comments. He said that the Superman movie was one of the worst movies HE had seen. If he wasn't there with his wife, he said he would have got up and left.

As for Ronin's comments, I'll ask my co-worker if he could put into writing what he disliked about the movie. He does not have an extensive comic-book background, so in my opinion, to judge him by his knowledge of Superman mythology would be unfair. If you had no in-depth prior exposure to Superman and watched this movie, would you enjoy it as much as you did?

At 8:02 AM, Blogger Kilatzin said...


I appreciate you coming to your co-worker's defense, but there's really no difference between what you and Canine said about his reaction to the movie.

If I had to venture a guess, he might say things like "boring", "not logical", etc. And I think I stated in the original post that I could accept that. I just find issue with him calling it the WORST movie.

I take the same issue with Wifey saying that "Pulp Fiction" was the WORST movie she ever saw. So much so, that she walked out on it. Reasons she cited for hating it: "foul language", "non-linear storytelling" are the same reasons most of us love it. So I think this might be the case with your co-worker.

And I also appreciate your question Bert about my knowledge of Supeman coloring my take on the movie. When people ask my opinion of it, I have to step back and think . . . "should I respond as a Superman fan or as a movie critic?"
I attempted to bring both those aspects forward on the original post.

P.S. I'm starting to think "Dora The Explorer" = BABY CRACK COCAINE. We have to curb his appetite for the cartoon. We have to curb it NOW.

At 11:25 AM, Blogger bert wolfe said...

OK, my co-worker emailed me his comments. He said he "cleaned" it up a bit so as not to offend anyone too much. Here it is:


It’s GAY! More gay than Rocky 3!

Here is what I didn’t like (in order):

- It was boring. I was bored for most of the movie. I got bored right in the beginning when the credits went on for what seemed an eternity. I had to look at my watch several times during the movie to see when the movie was going to be over.
- It was stupid. Dialog, story, and I don’t know what else (I was too bored)
- It was girly as hell. I mean WAY too girly. They had too many “oh, I love you Lois”, “Please be with me” scenes. I don’t even know why they all wanted her so much. She was just going around lying to everybody and being a bitch and for some reason they all wanted her.

Well, there were also a whole lot of small things that I didn’t like that made the movie even worse. (I wouldn’t have minded them so much if the movie wasn’t so bad to begin with).

I think this is the first movie that I’ve ever seen that was both girly and gay at the same time.


I talked with him about his email. He also said the part where Superman picks up the island AFTER getting beat up had him saying "huh?". He did like the "plot twist" and was hoping it would pursued in the movie, but it wasn't.

To clarify, he said that Superman Returns is NOT the WORST movie he has seen. However, he does list it among the worst ten. He also agrees that he could find worse movies at a video store. However, he doesn't go to video stores with the intent of finding the worst movie to watch. He also wanted to correct the statement that he "pretty much likes anything". He said he is particular about his movies and will only watch movies: 1) which are recommended by friends; 2) which received good reviews; 3) to just accompany his wife (as in the case with Superman Returns).

That's all I got.

At 11:49 AM, Blogger Kilatzin said...


Boring I get. No problem with that.

Lois I get. It's a hard thing to cast Lois Lane. She's gotta be quirky, beautiful, sexy and strong and there's not a lot of actresses who can pull that off. I think one of my first blogs talk about that difficulty.

Stupid. Matter of opinion, but I can respect that. He's not too clued into the whole Superman thing.

GAY? Gay like Brokeback Mountain gay?

Girly? Even more girly than those wedding planner/best friend's wedding/maid in manhattan girly?

I have a HUGE problem with this girly/gay thing. There are a TON of girly/gay movies out there. any hugh grant film for example.

Credits? Bored through the credits? OMIGOD!!! Why did he even bother to waste his time? It's like having a country western dude sit through a Sean Paul concert. Why would anybody do that to themselves. There are movies I know my wife wouldn't want to see, so I see them without her cuz she would just ruin the experience.

What exactly is his type of movie? Road House? Hard Boiled? Pulp Fiction? (All movies I love by the way.)

At 11:15 PM, Blogger caninecologne said...

Ahhh...Road House with Patrick Swayze. One of Bert's faves as well. Tango & Cash Supe?


At 7:55 PM, Blogger HotFudge said...

I don't know if anyone remembers Luncheon Meat in a can. My mom would fry that up and serve with Grits and Eggs for Breakfast.


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