Tuesday, July 24, 2007

more more quick random thoughts

It's 10:30 pm. Time to go to sleep. I want to wake up at 2 this morning to give me enough time to work on an art project before I have to start my day job at 3:30 or 4. The art project is a 20 page comic story about my sister. I've been subconsciously avoiding starting any real concrete work on this thing. Not good when I have a September commitment to have this thing published in an upcoming Filipino literary anthology.

Why the reticence? Why the delay? I guess I'm afraid. I'm afraid of telling my side of the story without giving my sister her fair chance to rebut. I'm afraid of saying things that would hurt the wrong people. I'm afraid of being exploitative of my sister's memory. There's a scene in that Bette Midler movie "Beaches" where she sits by her friend (played by Barbara Hershey) as that friend slowly passes away. Is the attention on her dying friend? No. It's on the heavily filtered Bette angelicly smiling her ass off as Barbara croaks OFF CAMERA slumping on a beach chair. That scene pissed me off. Can you say the words "ego project?" So Bette's reaction to her friend dying is SO MUCH more important than the fact her friend is DYING????

I so do not want to be like Bette Midler in "Beaches".

I think about Kim every day. I want people to know how much of a annoying/resilient/needy/amazing person she was. I want to keep her memory alive, but I feel like I'm doing a poor job of it. My life is such that if I pay attention to one thing, another thing that also needs attention suffers. It could be housework. It could be my wife, son and goddaughter. It could be my dayjob. It could be the stack of dvds and comics collecting dust in my room. It could be my art. It could be the update for my website. It could be the 3 emails from old friends I'd love to respond to but don't have the energy.

I feel more like an adult than ever before. Perhaps it's just that I feel more comfortable with my age than ever before. I constantly think of myself as "40" and publicly call myself an "old" man. I remember how disappointed Kim was with the decisions I made. Settling down for a steady corporate wage and a nice family life in the suburbs. Turning my back on my wildest dreams and aspirations. I remember the subtle look of disdain when I showed her my cubicle or changed my son's diapers. Maybe she was envious. Maybe she wasn't. I do know she commented to more than one person about my lack of ambition. I wished I could have been more like her, but I know there really was no way that would ever happen. I acknowldeged my limits, perhaps a little too well. My sister never did. Her drive left her with an amazing life, but it also lead to her premature death. She could have slowed down, take a break, but there was too much to do and see. She took a bus she shouldn't have. She received several warnings from different sources (human, biological and supernatural) not to do so, but she wouldn't listen. She had to see the rest of Ghana before the end of her vacation. Now she's dead. Kim died being Kim.

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At 10:09 AM, Blogger Mulysa said...


funny how something you think and feel about every day can be something you avoid.

i don't think you'll ever be able to completely express in one comic story everything you want everyone to know about kim.

just keep writing. no one will ever truly understand what you're trying to convey, because we all perceive things differently. so just do what you do so well - express yourself and don't worry about how anyone else gets it.

take care, supe.

At 11:47 AM, Blogger me-nikk said...

You know what?

I love you.

I truly do. Have since I met you, and always will.

You know what else Ken?

You are perfect just the way you are. You don't need to be more or less, unless of course thats what you decide to do. But you'll STILL be perfect.

Not only are you perfect, but you're a good person. A much BIGGER person than you give yourself credit for, just by being who you are. I'm very proud to be considered one of your many friends.

...now if only I could take my own advice. :)

At 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweetie, the goal of life is to live (sorry to sound so cheesy). You can do no more for Kim. Her memory will live on in people's hearts whether or not stories of her are told. But memories of her will slowly fade as new memories are collected.

And that's how life should be. If she had the "chance" to live through what you and your family has lived through in the past year, I hope she would urge you to enjoy what you have and to not spend time on things over which you have no control. It wouldn't be fair to you, your child(ren) and your wife.

Also, if you thought she didn't approve of your choices in life, it really doesn't matter why. You're the only person who has to accept and approve of those choices. We've all made choices and we've all compromised. But we can all still be happy with what we have.

Enjoy the good memories of her and come to peace with those that disappoint you. Love what you have.

Call me if you feel like chatting. Or bitching. About anything. I have a few gripes to get off my chest too:)

p.s. get cracking on the comic strip! You have a story to share and it's not exploitive to share them.

At 10:17 PM, Blogger caninecologne said...

you actually watched BEACHES? What do you have, a vagina?

but seriously...as i said earlier today at the con, no one can take away your memories about kim (good and bad). don't worry about what others think. i know it's probably easier said than done but i know that whatever you come up with will come straight from your heart (tito pass me some tissues). and i do mean that sincerely.

At 11:28 AM, Blogger me-nikk said...

you whoooo Ken?!?

I'm thinking about you and your fam and hoping that life is at the very least going ok.

miss you!



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