Thursday, February 15, 2007

Assorted junk

Hey all,

Only have time for a quick post about various things. First off, take a look at my cute baby in the snow!

Went up to Wifey's godparents' cabin up in Big Bear last month, during the last huge snow storm. Here's a view of their house in all its winter glory.

Okay, enough of that crap. I finally figured out I REALLY do not like the snow. But the kids like it and a cabin in Big Bear always provides a nice little weekend getaway option. I've become such a "bougie" it sickens me.


Uh, what else? Nothing deep in my blog this time around. Busy time this year. Works been kicking my ass schedule wise. Times past, I would get up at 3 in the morn to do art. Now I get up at 3 in the morn to do actual work!!! Ugh. Then I wake up the wifey and kid around 5:30-6ish. We all leave between 6:30 to 7ish to get to work by 8. I work til 3, pick up baby between 4-4:30, get home around 5, feed baby at 6, bath at 7:30, put him down to sleep at 9, get up at 3, and the cycle continues ever onward. It only sucks if I get sick, like last weekend. Throws the whole schedule off. Baby thinks I'm ignoring him and responds in kind when I get well. Vengeful little snot.


This weekend is Vietnamese New Year, which in my mind is really "Chinese New Year 'Lite with one calorie'". Yeah, I said it. Call a spade a spade people!!!! It doesn't matter if you put pastrami meat or cheesesteak meat on a burger patty, it's still a damn burger!!! In the span of 4 hours, Wifey's family has to caravan to about 4 different temples to visit her grandparents' ashes!!! And guess who has to drive them around in the minivan???? I'll give you a little hint: he's the one who's NOT Buddhist and will have to eat the temple vegetarian food that will give him the runs!!!


Then next week the family is flying to Orlando so wifey can attend a conference and visit with her two best friends! One was her 'maid of honor' and the other is the "will" to wifey's "grace." We'll be staying at "will's" house. Here's the question that should be burning in everyone's mind: how long will it take before my baby boy stumbles upon some gay porn dvd or male-enhancement drug stash tucked away in some discrete bedroom drawer??


Good news for the schoolboys!!! Eddie Murphy's Delirious is finally on DVD. That's right. The classic stand-up video is back! Now all the little kiddies can understand why us old-timers are so disappointed in Eddie Murphy. This man was Comedy God! But that was a long time ago. Oh how the mighty have aged.



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At 10:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What!?!? Dart hasn't found your gay porn stash or your Viagra yet???? I'm guessing he won't find Will's either. He's apparently a bit slow.

Well, as least he's a cutie.

At 3:05 PM, Blogger Kilatzin said...

I'm not saying I have any of those things, but if I did, then I would have the good sense to hide it from both baby and wifey.

Look at me sound like OJ.

At 11:16 PM, Blogger Mulysa said...

just was drugged and dragged to see "the messengers" by the unhusband... i was cracking up remembering eddie murphy (was it in 'raw' or 'delerious'?) basing on white people for not taking the very obvious hints ghosts give that black people hear right away...

ghost: "get, get, get... out, out, out..."

white dad: "oh, and look, honey, the view is just beautiful..."



oh... so bad... so very, very bad...

At 7:47 AM, Blogger caninecologne said...

all right! delirious on dvd! must get it for bert!

hope you are all having fun in orlando. the one thing i remember fr/our conversation, epcot sucks.

cute picture of your baby boy in the snow!

also, thanks for telling us that vegetarian temple food gives you the splats...nice

At 10:30 PM, Blogger bert wolfe said...

Yep, "Ed-dee" is closing in on 50. He couldn't take it after not getting the Best Supporting Actor Oscar that he just bailed out of the Oscar festivities.

Norbit... sheesh... bring back Billy Ray Valentine... capricorn.

At 10:23 PM, Blogger mikshir said...

Aha! you're back and I missed it. Well, I've missed a lot recently. But Nice! Seems you kept busy and that is good.

I've had eddy in my amazon cart since I saw the announce a while back. Waiting to add more stuff to it to reach that $25 free shipping level. It's worth it I tell you.

At 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hilarious...these blogs are a window to the soul aren't they. :-)

Hey, i have the DVD you mention...let me know if you want to borrow (perhaps as an exchange for a certain new-release bootleg)


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