Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Bad thing about the new Superman movie

We get stuff like this. Can we start critiquing? I'll shoot the opening round.

"Looks good, but somehow, it doesn't look quite GAY enough. Can we make it just a tad more GAY?"


Friday, November 04, 2005

Look at this guy.

This little guy is the reason I'm listening to 10 minute long Slate podcasts while I'm washing bottles and mixing forumla. This guy is the reason I know the lyrics to "the wheels on the bus." This guy is the reason there are MAJOR bags under my eyes. This guy is the reason I don't listen to my Carlos Mencia or Dave Attell mp3s. This guy is the reason my play money, which would usually be spent on comics and man dolls, is now going to diapers, desitin and baby shampoo. This guy is the reason why I don't really mind green poo. This guy is the reason I am able to smile at the end of a long and hard work day, cuz how can I can be sad when he screams and jumps with excitement when I walk through the door.

Being this guy's dad definitely does not suck balls.


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

all right, already

damn, eight comments on a post that just said, "i'm getting set up?"

first thing first. linesteppa - No, Superman isn't the greatest movie of all time. Godfather I and 2 are. That's why I listed them first. The Godfather saga can be on at any point on the tv, and I'll leave it there EVERY DAMN TIME. They are that damn good.

As much as I love Superman, some parts sometimes defy my willingness to suspend disbelief. Like TOTU's comment about making the earth go backwards. You gotta be in a certain mood for that. Also, Margot Kidder's performance as Lois Lane can be a little grating if I'm not in the mood.

Lois Lane is a tricky character to portray; she's gotta be quirky and ballsy enough to make us believe Superman would fall for her, yet not too much as to wind up being totally annoying. Watch Smallville and the actor that plays Lois. She's sometimes real good as Lois, sometimes real BAD as Lois . . . but I really think it's cuz of the character, not cuz of her portrayal. Teri Hatcher is hot enough to make you look past all the annoying Lois Lane personality quirks. Maybe there's the dilemma, you gotta have a REAL HOT actress to make you look past all those quirks, yet the REAL HOT actresses don't necessarily have the chops to play quirky. So you end up with these NOT AS HOT actresses who have the quirky stuff all down, but they're so damn annoying that instead of forgiving them cuz they're beautiful, we just want to wring their necks.

wow. all that from linesteppa.

My life these days are weighed by dueling priorities. Writing in this blog, which I love to do, means I have less time to wash the baby's bottles, which leads to less time playing Xbox, which leads to less time soaking my feet in Epsom salt, which leads to less time working on a painting for my neighbors. Of course, I wanted to get into more detail over this, but i blew my time allotment on Superman. AGAIN. Oh this addiction of mine will kill me in the end.

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