Monday, June 11, 2007

more quick random thoughts

I can't sleep. It's 11 pm and I need to sleep. But I can't sleep.

Here are some pics of my current pastels. Nothing too deep. Just something to excerise (however lightly) the artistic eye. Think 'pop song' as art piece.

Quick thoughts . . .

  • Sopranos Finale - If you were pissed off by the ending, all I have to say is "what in the hell did you expect?" when has this show EVER given viewers what they wanted or expected? this show is all about unsympthetic blind curveballs that were cleverly foreshadowed seasons before. now i'm not passing judgement on whether it was a decent or effective closing. I'm not even saying it was a good episode. all i'm saying is that if you were expecting a pat ending, then it's obvious you f##ks haven't really been watching the show.

  • Spider-Man 3 - what's up with that "a husband must put his wife's needs ahead of his own" storyline crap? Was Oprah one of the movie's screenwriters? Am watching a big, dumb popcorn summer flick or a lifetime movie of the week? It's a good thing wifey didn't watch this flick, otherwise she'd pull that "wife's need" card out whenever she wants me to do something i REALLY do not want to do. "Well Spider-Man would have taken out the trash, cuz he would put Mary Jane's needs ahead of his!" Thanks a lot for the relationship advice Spidey! Oh, and now I know, if I every want to be "Bad Kilatzin", all I really need to do is comb down whatever bangs I have left on my balding head and wear some nice black kenneth cole suit. Thanks for the "Evil Primer 101", Spidey!!! Keep that good advice coming.

  • paris hilton in jail - good.

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