Friday, May 12, 2006

Random Thoughts, Random Entry

The general media has been "pussyfooting" around this unspoden issue, but I'm glad the advocate has went ahead and bluntly stated the obvious. This Brandon Routh dude is probably the most femme Superman I've ever seen. The only way this guy can look more girly is if he was immortalized as a barbie doll. Oh wait, that's already happened.

Hopefully, this shouldn't detract too much from the movie. I guess it's safe to say that I'm geeking out about as much as
any fanboy would be. However, it doesn't help matters when the director and Kevin Spacey have also been hit with the 'in-the-closet' accusations. Kinda like a trifecta of gay innuendos if you will.

Regardless . . .

Saw the new movie trailer before going to sleep the other night. There was so much adrenaline pumping through my veins, I couldn't sleep for another 3 hours. Wifey told me with a finality I've never heard in her voice after 5 years of marriage, "you are such a nerd."

And I am. I can't help it. At this age, very little gets the blood pumping anymore . . . it's too damned hard to muster up the energy when it's being diverted to domestic or corporate duties. Watching the trailer made me feel like a kid again.


At wifey's behest, I relented to another pedicure. This time I brought my galpal J with me, in the vain hope that this would somehow make the experience less 'gay.' She would be the 'Gayle' to my 'Oprah.' Just that statement alone should predict the utter failure of my pathetic attempt to divert my pedicure's 'femme-ness'. I started feeling like mario cantone in a scene from 'Sex and the City', all chatty and catty. At least i didn't feel like that nerdy bald guy with the glasses.

Two reasons I brought j. One) She's probably the best 'work' friend I've ever had. I would even go so far as to consider her a 'cousin.' I've had just as close relationships with other coworkers, but never as long as J. I've known the girl for 10 years!!! She KNOWS me and my bullshit!!! I can let my guard down and be myself around her at work, and trust me, that is a VERY valuable commodity. Especially when you're trapped in the uptight, look over your shoulder corporate world. Two) I suspect she's a dude who had a gender reorientation. She's a good lookin' gal who LOVES comic books, sci fi and basketball (even though her fav team is the Spurs)!!! It's like reality TV "Weird Science"! I'm not the only one; most guys at work think she's really a dude.


Taking some time off from my creative pursuits. Still have to get my room back into shape from our house remodeling initiative two months ago. To my left are eight bankers boxes that currently house the 'T' - 'Z' of my regularly sized graphic novel collection. In the garage are another nine boxes with my oversized graphic novels, art/graphic design books and the rest of my library. Designed some backgrounds for a children's theatre group production two weeks ago in the Lyceum Theatre at Horton Plaza. These were projected on a 14' x 9' screen; large enough for the actors to play in front, around and behind. I'll post up something on my art website when I have a chance. Actually, that'll be my first project . . . updating the damn site with a whole bunch of crap. But first, I'll need to survive Mother's Day.


Current Listening To:

70's Stevie Wonder. Nothing tops Seventies Stevie. Seventies Stevie is so good he gets a "Get out of jail free" card for the rest of his artistic life. It doesn't matter if his material since the mid 80s has not up-to-par with his Seventies output. That's like getting mad at Einstein for not coming up with anything as good as his theory of special relativity and his thoughts on the fabric of space/time. I mean who cares if he had a problem with quantum mechanics? Dude gets a pass. That's like getting mad at Gretzky over his wife's gambling scandal. Who cares . . . the dude gets a pass. Who cares if OJ murdered his . . . oh wait . . . strike that. No pass.

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